This page does not contain much particularly interesting content.

Except for this yellow-green ampersand:


What’s it doing here? I don’t know.

Maybe it just wants to be here.

Maybe somebody told it to come here.

Maybe somebody told it that there were cookies here, and it came looking for a treat, only to arrive in utter disappointment at the severe lack of baked sweets it found.

Maybe it was so disappointed, in fact, that it decided to wait patiently right in that spot until the end of time. Or until it finds a cookie—whichever comes first, of course.

Maybe it’s starting to regret that decision, but maybe it’s a little late for turning back now.

Maybe it fears the anxiety it would face after returning from a mysterious several-year-long disappearance from its kin.

Maybe the land of yellow-green ampersands is beset with worry, contemplating what might have caused such a horrible and strange disappearance.

Maybe the land of yellow-green ampersands couldn’t care less.

Maybe the land of yellow-green ampersands is bursting with overwhelming joy, dreaming of how such a wonderful disappearance would allow them to finally get on with their lives, without the continual thought about where the nearest and freshest batch of cookies is.

Maybe the land of yellow-green ampersands is now free to share the nearest and freshest batches of cookies amongst themselves, free from such an inconsiderate and selfish individual.

Maybe it doesn’t matter.

But… maybe the nearest and freshest of cookies have actually been poisoned by this inconsiderate and selfish individual in its plan to take over the world!

Maybe the leap from poisoned cookies to world domination is a large one, but it’s necessary to start somewhere. Maybe that’s just where this particular yellow-green ampersand decided it would start.

Maybe its occupation of that spot on this page is just another part of this mischievous plan.

Maybe it’s not all that far from achieving world domination.

Maybe that’s a good thing, though, because maybe its plan on world domination actually includes providing free cookies for all while in reign.

Maybe that would be nice.

Maybe it wouldn’t be, because maybe those free cookies for all are also actually poisoned! That rascal.

Maybe… it’s just a plain old yellow-green ampersand doing nothing and I’ve spent too much time making up a ridiculous story about it.